There’s a philosophical fault line between abundance and scarcity that cuts across many disciplines, like economics (capitalist vs. statist), politics (individualism vs. collectivism), and psychology (growth mindset vs. fixed mindset).
The classic illustration of biologist Amotz Zahavi’s “handicap principle” is the peacock, whose extravagant tail feathers seem to serve no evolutionary purpose.
Blockworks has opened up registration for our official VIP ticketing experience.
Richard Dawkins coined the term “meme” in his 1976 study of evolution, The Selfish Gene
Act quickly our VIP tickets sell out fast!
In a year when global investment in Web3 seemed to be slowing down, APAC investment has been accelerating.
Will 2024 be a year of living dangerously?
Is this really a bull market?
An underappreciated feature of finance in 2023 was the return of treasure hunters.
The crypto year of two thousand and twenty-four is already off to a great start — but not for the reason decentralization maxis have been hoping for.
Happy New Year, everyone! It’s 2024 if you can believe it! This year is poised to be a pivotal one for the crypto industry.
First and foremost: Hats off to Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Eric Balchunas for coining the term Cointucky Derby.